Simple Self-Care Ideas for the Stressed Adult
How do you care for yourself when you are too busy caring for others? Make sure you have a self-care routine, for starters.
Get yourself into the habit of at least one self-care activity per day, and ideally fit them into your schedule throughout the day to elevate your mood and care for your body.
Self-care habits don’t have to be done completely by yourself, but they can be. If you want to you can get your kids involved- integrating face washing and setting out clothes for the next day into everyone’s routines is a win for you twice over.

What is self-care?
Self-care is any activity or practice that we do to maintain and improve our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s taking time to prioritize our own needs to feel balanced and fulfilled.
No matter what form of self-care you are able to practice it’s important to not feel guilty. Putting the needs of your body’s physical health and mental health first is essential. If you are not healthy and well, you will quickly notice your abilities to support others around you deteriorate.
Why is self-care important?
In today’s busy world, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and neglect our own health and well-being. But failing to take care of ourselves can lead to burnout, stress, and overall unhappiness.
Self-care is essential because it allows us to recharge and refocus. It replenishes our energy and helps us stay mentally and emotionally strong. Taking care of ourselves also enables us to better care for others in our lives.

What is self-care for your physical health?
Taking care of our physical health is crucial for our overall well-being. Simple acts like getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly can help us feel our best.
Other self-care ideas for physical health include:
- Getting regular check-ups with your doctor
- Taking breaks throughout the day to stand, stretch, and drink water
- Make sure you get regular exercise and fresh air
- Practicing good hygiene habits
- Nourishing your body with plenty of water and healthy foods
- Limiting alcohol and drug consumption

What is self-care for your mental health?
Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Depression and anxiety rates are at an all-time high for everyone from teens to older adults.
Seeking a mental health professional is always the best plan if you have concerns for your mental health. But even a little self-care can help your mood, and help you feel like you are doing life right.
Self-care for mental health can include activities that help reduce stress and promote relaxation, such as meditation or journaling. It can also involve seeking therapy or counseling when needed.
Self-care practices for mental health include:
- Setting boundaries to avoid overextending ourselves
- Taking breaks from technology and social media
- Pursuing hobbies or activities that bring joy and relaxation
- Seeking professional help for therapy or counseling when needed
- Setting financial goals or practicing financial self-care
- Practicing mindfulness and meditation

What is self-care for your emotional health?
Emotional well-being is closely linked to our mental health. It involves managing emotions and coping with stress in healthy ways. Some emotional self-care practices include:
- Spending time with loved ones and building strong relationships
- Expressing gratitude and practicing positive thinking
- Journaling or writing down thoughts and feelings
- Allowing yourself to feel and process emotions rather than suppressing them
- Knowing and respecting the limits of your emotional energy

How to make self-care part of your daily routines
Self-care is not a one-time activity but rather an ongoing process. Making self-care part of your daily routine can help ensure that you are consistently taking care of yourself.
Some tips for incorporating self-care activities into your daily routines include:
- Setting aside time each day for self-care activities, even if it’s just a few minutes
- Creating a self-care plan or schedule to help prioritize and track self-care activities
- Finding ways to incorporate self-care into existing routines, such as taking a walk during your lunch break or listening to calming music while getting ready for bed
- Being intentional and mindful about self-care, rather than viewing it as just another task on your to-do list
Here are some self-care ideas that are separated by time of day. When you practice self-care consistently and within a schedule, it is more likely to create a lifelong habit.
The night-before self-care routine
A bedtime routine is essential for good sleep hygiene! We need to be sleeping well to carry out normal tasks of daily life. Get yourself into a nightly routine to rest well and prepare the next day.
Take a shower or bath.
Be clean and fresh and have less to do in the morning! Add lavender essential oil to your bubble bath or shower to relax you and contribute to your emotional self-care as well.
Light some candles
Spend some quality time enjoying the comforting glow, the relaxed atmosphere, and a sense of calm with the glow of candles. Dim the other harsh lights in your home and slow the pace of life down.

Listen to music or an audiobook.
Audio is a great way for your body to relax and adjust from work mode to relaxation. If it can be off a screen, that’s even better.
Drink a full glass of water.
Hydrate your brain and body for a long night’s rest.
Set out your clothes for the next day.
Lay out your outfit and accessories to avoid the morning scramble.
Wash your face!
Get a face wash that feels indulgent and has benefits that make you want to keep using it consistently.

Brush your teeth.
Try the highly recommended and nice-to-look-at toothbrush- Quip electric toothbrush. It’s affordable, pretty, and easy to use. Plus they ship you a fresh toothbrush replacement head every three months.
Mentally prep your meals for the next day
Or even prep them and put them in your lunch bag in the fridge! That’s an easy step to take care of so your mind feels less cluttered in the morning. Make meal prep a fun and rewarding part of your week.

Write in a journal.
Get out some lingering thoughts, write down your worries, and jot down a few things you are grateful for.
Tell your family or a friend that you love them.
Via text, phone, face-to-face, or yelling down the hall. Give yourself that reminder that you care, and lift their heart too.
Turn off all screens
(Phone, tablets, TV, computer) an hour before you want to get to sleep. The blue light from screens can disrupt your natural sleep patterns.

Read a book in bed.
If you’ve been reading books on an app, switch to library books or get some affordable second-hand ones from Thriftbooks. Again, something without a screen is better for your brain as you wind down.
Do some wind-down yoga.
Just a couple of stretches for 10 minutes honestly makes a world of a difference. In order to avoid screens, get yourself a deck of yoga cards and use those to plan out your stretches. Then, listen to a podcast or some music while you stretch if you need something for your brain to do.
Take some deep cleansing breaths.
You may not have time for a full yoga routine at night, but breathing is the most essential part, in my opinion, for relaxing your mind and body for sleep.

Sleep with a weighted blanket
It feels like a hug all night long and helps with anxiety and restlessness. It will give you a good sleep foundation for the night, too.
The morning self-care routine
Don’t hit snooze.
Dreading the sound of your alarm only to hit snooze and do it all again in a few minutes is not doing any favors for your mental state.
Research shows that the snooze button can make you feel more tired. Follow these tips to learn how to break your snooze habit.

Start with water (and lemon if you have it).
You just went hours without drinking anything, it’s time to rehydrate! Lemon is great for boosting your immune system and cleansing toxins from your body. You’ll be on the track to getting enough water if you start your day with a full glass.

Avoid scrolling on your phone first thing
It can be tempting to check your social media or email right when you wake up, but this can lead to stress and overwhelm before you even get out of bed. Instead, try to spend the first 20 minutes of your morning focusing on your own well-being and setting intentions for the day ahead. Keep a dream journal if you remember your dreams and reach for that instead of your phone first thing.
Turn on some music, or the news, or listen to a podcast.
As long as it’s something to get your mind thinking or moving then you’re good. It’ll distract you from any anxious thoughts and start your morning off on a positive note.
Wash your face.
Sunday Riley is an amazing face wash, but anything you can use to help you feel good and awake, also makes you feel like you have your life on track.
Brush your teeth.
Quip! Two minutes and fresh and clean! They also have reusable, eco-friendly floss sticks!
Say good morning to your pet, your kids, or your partner.
Let them know that you care! Starting off with a physical hug or kiss is a good serotonin boost as well.

Make your bed
Making your bed may seem like a small task, but it can give you a sense of accomplishment and organization to start off your day.
Make coffee or tea.
A warm cup can be soothing and help you ease into your day. Choose a favorite mug that makes you smile.
Read or write out an inspirational quote
Starting the day with a positive message can set the tone for the whole day. Find a quote that speaks to you and write it down or keep it in mind throughout the day.

Write out some goals for the day.
I keep a bullet journal, which I love. These amazing Journals by Silk and Sonder are perfect for those of us who want to journal but need a little motivation to get started 🙂
They have monthly template-filled journals that are already beautifully decorated with room for more!
(They have journals for kids now too!)

Do a morning yoga routine.
This is the best morning yoga routine and really helps me feel awake and ready for success the whole day long.
Yoga is not only good for your physical health, but also your mental and emotional well-being. It can help you start the day with a clear mind and a positive attitude.
Meditate or practice mindfulness
Taking a few minutes to quiet your mind and focus on your breathing can help reduce stress and increase inner peace. Mindfulness practices can also help you stay present and focused throughout the day.
Get some exercise.
Doing yoga is great, but if it’s not your thing, get your heart rate moving another way. Whether it’s the walk to the bus stop, a bike ride, or a trip to the gym, starting your day with exercise always feels good when you’ve accomplished it.

Self-care routine bonuses for throughout the day
Self-care should be in your daily routine, but it’s also important to add in as little extra doses as you can. The health benefits of habits are immense, but there’s something special about those extra moments to lift your mood and help you feel good spontaneously.
Indoor self-care ideas
Journal for your scheduling needs.
Bullet journal if you like this artistry! Take a few minutes here or there to doodle, add to your to-do list, check things off, and add in notes for a study session you’re planning or memories you want to keep.
Journal for your emotions.
Write down what you did during the week, what you are grateful for, and how you are feeling. Find a few inspirational quotes to copy down, write about your feelings, or even free-write some new ideas for the week. Create a journal that acts as a scrapbook too, to hold life mementos or photos of friends and family.

Indulge in some creative writing
If you like to write, this is an excellent activity for your mental health and well-being. Whether it’s poetry, short stories, or journaling, or doodling– letting your creativity flow can be therapeutic and rewarding.
Call a friend.
Something about actually talking on the phone is nice, especially if it’s to someone you don’t see or talk to often!
Try a new recipe
Cooking can be a great way to relax and try something new at the same time. You can also try baking some sweet treats or a new take on your favorite comfort food. Make deliveries of the extras to your neighbors or friends!
Clean out a junk or sock drawer
A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind. Taking a few minutes to organize and declutter even just one small area of your home can help create a sense of order and calm for the rest of your day.

Outdoor self-care ideas
Go for a walk outside.
The fresh air is amazing, a brisk walk is good for you, and nature fills your soul.
Get in the garden and weed or plant some fresh plants
If you don’t have your own garden, look for a local community garden, or even just go walk in a greenhouse to breathe in the scents of nature and the benefits of clean air.
Play with animals.
If you don’t have your own pet, call up a friend who does, volunteer to walk a dog, go to a local animal shelter, get paid to pet sit, go to the local zoo, or find a newly popular cat café.

Do a random act of kindness.
Pay for someone’s coffee, help a stranger with their bags, pull over to help someone on the side of the road, or leave a nice compliment on someone’s desk. Low risk, or high, it’ll make their day and yours!
Walk a dog – yours if you have one, or find some friends with dogs!
You can even use this endeavor to earn some extra cash, while you feel good and get some fresh air.
Go stargazing
Pick a clear night, bundle up in some blankets, and find a quiet spot with little light pollution. Staring up at the stars can be awe-inspiring and a great way to relax and clear your mind. You can even download a stargazing app for an interactive experience.

Find an organization that aligns with your values and give back to the community. Volunteering can be a rewarding experience, plus you’ll meet new people and learn new skills.
Try a new hobby
Do something outside of your comfort zone like painting, photography, cooking, or dancing. Trying new things can stimulate your creativity and improve your overall well-being.
Emotional Self-care ideas
Use an app, like Headspace, or just try some deep breathing and focus on that with your eyes closed. Get your kids or partner to join you too!
For more tips on how to start a meditation practice, check out this article from Relax Like a Boss.

Turn off all your electronics and do something without them for an hour. Even just sitting and watching the birds or people passing by can be a form of self-care.
Read for yourself, read to your kids, or even read a magazine article. Try to read a real book, not something on your screen.
Put on an old CD or record
Soak in the memories with the melodies. Find a favorite album from each decade of your life and reminisce for a few hours.

Write a letter or a handwritten card.
Another antiquated form of communication that can be very satisfying to both you and the receiver.
Go through your box of memories or old photos
Take some time to reminisce and walk down memory lane.
Or, if you don’t have a box of memories or old photos, start one! Print out photos from your phone or computer and start creating your own physical memory box. This can be a fun activity to do with friends or family as well.
Physical self-care ideas
Have an in-home spa hour (or 10 minutes!) to pamper your body.
File and paint your nails, take a bath, moisturize, or do a face mask. Try some DIY recipes for body scrubs, shea butter lotion, face masks and more.
Stretch or move.
Do a few yoga poses to take a break from sitting or standing. Find a good YouTube channel for a quick movement break.
Put on some good boogie tunes to take a few minutes to shake it off and be silly. Move so much you get sweaty! Then make sure to drink a big glass of water to rehydrate!

Find a few good YouTube videos that you can’t help but LOL too. Or, join a laughter yoga class.
Breathe in some nice scents.
Get an oil diffuser or use some favorite essential oils to sniff and uplift. Or light a new candle and take some deep cleansing breaths to lift your mood.
Self-care doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive
It can be simple and enjoyable activities that bring relaxation and well-being into your life. As long as you are intentional about your self-care, the little moments will add up and help improve your well-being greatly.
So take some time today to do something for yourself and recharge your batteries. Your mind and body will thank you!