How to Start a Blog: An Honest Review of “Launch Your Blog Biz” Course
You will be ready to start a blog after learning about this course.
Can you really earn money blogging? YES. But you need to know where to start, you need the right resources and clear guidance. Here’s where you need to start:
2017 was the actual worst… (At least until 2020…) Come December of that year, I decided 2018 was the year I was going to tackle a few things on my own turf. I started fresh mentally, and I gave myself some clear goals.
- Build something on my own
- Become more financially stable
- Start a path to a career that will take me new places with more opportunities
So what did I do??? I decided to start a blog, of course!
And it has been QUITE A RIDE.
It is so much fun, it is freeing, it is fulfilling.
Just this month, April, I have started making money with my blog! Not much, mind you, but something. Enough to call myself a professional blogger.
And I only have been putting in real effort about half the time since February. I still work as a teacher full-time, I still see my family and have a social life, and I didn’t waste hundreds of dollars or hours!

So how did I start a blog business of my very own in less than a month???
With an amazing step-by-step course called Launch Your Blog Biz
(Some links may be affiliate links, meaning I may get a commission if you click on them, at no extra cost to you. These do not in any way alter my opinion, I seriously have SO many good things to say about Create and Go!)
Honestly, I was super skeptical at first.
I didn’t know the people who did this blog course, this company called Create and Go. To be honest, I didn’t think I actually would need all that much help starting a blog. I looked through their course outline, thought the price tag was too steep and started up on my own.
Create and Go had a few great videos along with other bloggers on YouTube so I chose to watch some of their free videos, which were very helpful. Then I thought I’d be good to go.
A few weeks later, and after dozens of HOURS of going back and forth, writing down questions, comparing reviews of blog themes, what is SEO, and finding myself with a MILLION unanswered questions, I caved.
And I am so relieved I did.
So, Who are Alex and Lauren at Create and Go?

Well, part of the reason I ended up buying Launch Your Blog Biz was that I really identified with their story.
They started out as struggling bloggers a few years, having quit their day jobs to try to get some flexibility in their lives.
Not knowing what they were doing, they just had a goal to have some financial freedom and a lifestyle with more opportunities. Like me, they love to travel, they like staying healthy and being well.
The first blog they started totally failed. And the next time they tried again they went through MANY ups and downs. Even working at it full time, they tried many things and made lots of mistakes.
After a few months, and lots of trial and error, they started to make it work.
Now, after about 2 years and after starting a second successful blog, they make over $100,000 A MONTH.
Because they started a blog and made it successful! Crazy!
The goal of the Launch Your Blog Biz is to help newbie bloggers (like myself) AVOID making those same mistakes!
Create and Go founders take the guesswork out of how to start a blog. They give HONEST opinions on which blog services to use and which ones to avoid. You will learn from them how to design your site for optimal traffic viewing, and how to write compelling articles.
I am SO happy I purchased the Launch Your Blog Biz. With this course, I was able to confidently build, design, write for, and launch my own blog in ONE month!
PLUS I have learned ways to monetize my blog quickly to start generating that extra income that I need.
I had 10 articles, an amazing looking website, an email opt-in through ConvertKit, and I knew how to share on social media. ALL of this, AND SO MUCH MORE, I learned from Alex and Lauren at Create and Go!
Since then, my email list has gained over 120 followers in just under two months of consistent publishing and FREE organic traffic.
I have had a pin on Pinterest go VIRAL with over 12,000 repins in two weeks! And I just recently started the bare bones of affiliate marketing and have made $18.85! It’s official! I’m a professional blog owner!
I purchased the Pinterest Traffic Avalanche (also somewhat hesitantly) in February and started implementing those strategies in March.
Though I thought, as a Pinterest user for 8 years, that I knew everything about Pinterest, boy was I wrong!
The impressions my pins get went from basically 80 viewers per day to nearly 100,000 in the past month. I went from 7 clicks on pins per day to over 300!
All of this was based on advice and tips I learned from Pinterest Traffic Avalanche (and I hadn’t even started using Tailwind, yet!
Get your first month free with my link here, SERIOUS game changer!)
If you are at all serious about learning how to start a blog, make sure you take a look at the Pro Blogger Bundle.
You get the amazing Launch Your Blog Biz, Pinterest Traffic Avalanche, AND the Six Figure Blogger courses all in one at a great discount.
What’s in the Launch Your Blog Biz Course?
Everything you need to start a blog, drive traffic to it, and monetize with affiliate marketing!

Here’s what you get to learn to start a blog with the Launch your Blog Biz course!
Navigating WordPress
All the videos about how to use WordPress! At least 100 minutes of going through all the complicated parts of the software. What you need, and almost as importantly, what you DON’T need. I loved listening to Alex go through this and be like, yeah that’s not necessary. Or, ok don’t use that…. So satisfying to not have to think about things.
Themes and Theme Tutorials
Don’t know how to code? No worries! A & L walk you through which themes you can use and HOW to use them to customize and beautify your brand new domain and webpage.
I didn’t know that this would likely be an additional cost, but they give you great recommendations on free themes, too. When you start a blog, you have some upfront costs, but they let you know WHAT’s NECESSARY and what can be done without for a while.
Perfecting Your Blog’s Visual Appeal
Even more great information on that look that you just have to have on your blog. Don’t know how to get it? Lauren’s master skills in design help you out. Now, she’s honest about what you can and can’t do with the theme that you might have (free or paid). And she also lets you know when to NOT sweat the small stuff. The visual part is big, but the content is even more so.
Blog Content
This a GREAT section on how to be a writer for when you start your blog. The ins and outs, the ups and downs. How to structure your posts, where to find great content, how to come up with a great title.
Alex talks about strategies for becoming a writer, how to do it without stressing out, and how to fix your mistakes, too. So many good tips. I’ve re-watched these several times.
Email Marketing and Collection Strategies
I did NOT know this was a thing. Apparently, it’s a huge thing. You need to be collecting emails. Right away! I’m so glad I did, and I’m super thankful they had these awesome tutorials. After less than three months I have over 120 subscribers already! I don’t know how it happened, but Alex and Lauren do.
Skills, Hacks, and Resources for Beginner Bloggers
More important blogging things! Things I didn’t even know I had to think about to start a blog! Tips on writing, time management, and more!
Social Media
What to use, how to set it up, why you should use some platforms over others. They walk you through the benefits of each one and help you learn what will work for your blog’s niche.
Alex and Lauren are honest about the differences in blogs from their own which is super helpful. This was very useful and kept me from doing too much too soon.
They have detailed videos on how to set up Pinterest, Facebook Groups, YouTube and how to drive traffic to all of these accounts!
Over an HOUR of content on how to set up Tailwind! Huge!
I had never even heard of Tailwind before starting my own blog, but honestly, it was the BEST decision I made for driving traffic consistently to my fledgling new business.
If I hadn’t had the amazing tutorials from Lauren on how to set up Tailwind and use it correctly, I never would have been able to start driving loads of traffic to my blog so early.
Ads and Sponsored Posts
Where to look for the basics of adding ads to your blog, and whether or not it is worth it for you. Which ad networks to look and consider given your site and traffic, plus how to set them up. Tutorials on how to write and look for sponsored posts in your niche.
Basics of Affiliate Marketing, Creating Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy, and Finding and Selling Your Affiliate Products
What is affiliate marketing, and how to get started! This area is the GOLD MINE. Affiliate marketing is the biggest source of revenue for bloggers, and you need to know what to do and how to start!
What you should include in your strategy for affiliate marketing, the most effective and lucrative part of being a blogger.
All the details explained! Tons of ideas on where to look for products to market to your audience, plus HOW to market it effectively. Everything you need to know about affiliate links, conversion rates, disclaimers, cookies, tracking, and more. Things I had NO idea about before taking this course.
Email strategies and marketing ideas for affiliate products as well.
Driving Blog Traffic…
via YouTube
Lauren and Alex go through the basics and some advanced techniques of starting a YouTube channel, and how to use it to drive traffic to your blog, or even how to monetize directly in YouTube. It’s a hugely helpful section that I didn’t think I’d use at first but now I keep going back to.
via Pinterest!
Learn the basics and some super necessary strategies on how to rock at Pinterest. It’s seriously the game-changer in traffic for beginner bloggers. If you haven’t used Pinterest ever, or if it’s been a while, you need to have access to this part of the course!
OR get their hugely popular Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Course, which has EVERYTHING you need to know about Pinterest for driving traffic to your blog. Lauren even updates it regularly, which is so difficult as the algorithms are always changing!
I just went over the course again this summer and implemented their new strategies (from Pinterest Traffic Avalanche) and I’ve seen huge gains in the past few months!
I started my Pinterest account with just about a hundred followers about 2 years ago, and I’m at over 6,000!
See the grown and spikes in traffic! My engaged audience (those that click, save, and click-through) has gone up almost 20% just from making a few small changes.

Google SEO Strategies
Over an hour and a half of videos on these extremely important strategies for building your blog audience, following and driving organic traffic to your blog over time. It’s a daunting task to learn all of the SEO strategies, but having the basics when you start a blog is such a huge help.
Skills, Hacks, and Other Blogging Strategies
This includes business structure, finances, taxes, etc for a newbie blogger. Also a video on mindset, goal setting, productivity, and time management! Other things I never thought I needed but absolutely did.
Tools and Downloads:
- A checklist with everything you need to do, in order!
- Email template
- Access to the private support group (SERIOUSLY worth $100 by itself! Not only can you directly ask Lauren and Alex your questions, but you can talk to hundreds of other folks who have gone through the course and will have experienced the same issues as you will! This is GOLD, man)
- Favorite resources list
MORE Extras. You’ll have to purchase the course to find out what 😉 Over an HOUR AND a HALF of extra videos on how to become a successful beginner blogger. You got this!
Whew…. So, overall:
The main reason I loved Launch Your Blog Biz so much was that it broke down the process for how to start a blog into easy, manageable steps.
I felt so overwhelmed starting out, but with their tips, advice, checklist and action steps, I knew exactly what to do and when.
- No overwhelming myself with too many things at once.
- I didn’t waste hours researching what to do online.
- I didn’t get lost in pointless design stages of the website.
- No lost money on spent on things that I wasn’t ever going to use.
In fact, I’m sure I was able to save money overall with their practical advice about which platforms and programs to use. I picked the right ones and stuck with them. I had a plan and I followed it.
I built and launched my blog in just over a month, and I am a professional blogger, making income less than 4 months later!
*UPDATE* I now make over $2,300 a month blogging and it’s going up FAST!* I plan to quit my full time job by next summer!!
If I didn’t have a full-time job I am sure it would have been sooner 😉
And with their help, I am sure you will be, too.
If you are at all considering starting your own blog, SERIOUSLY considering going for one of their courses.
The Launch Your Blog Biz course helped me start my own blog in less than a month while working full time. I went from knowing NOTHING about blogging and feeling very confused by everything, to having my own business, making my first bit of income, and feeling confident about what steps I need to make to continue to grow.
You can do this, too!
Check out their free email courses on how to start a blog, which you can find at their home page.
If you are ready to take the leap JUST DO IT! You might be able to start a blog without their help, but I personally am SO relieved I had Alex and Lauren and the whole support of the amazing Facebook Group community to help me along the way.
If you want to start your own blog and start something that you are passionate about, you need the Launch Your Blog Biz course.
And if you really want to become a full-time blogger, making your own income and working from home, I’d highly suggest the full Pro Blogger Bundle.

Get full access to all the courses immediately to start living the life you’re dreaming of! It’s not a simple overnight task, but they make it manageable, full of lessons on blogging as a business, and FUN!